1. use - 使用,利用
e.g. I use my phone to call my friends.
2. unit - 单位,部分
e.g. The apartment complex has many units.
3. university - 大学,学院
e.g. She's studying at the University of Paris.
4. usual - 普通的,平常的
e.g. We followed our usual routine.
5. unique - 独特的,与众不同的
e.g. Every person's fingerprint is unique.
6. universe - 宇宙,天体
e.g. Scientists are still discovering new things about the universe.
7. uniform - 制服,校服
e.g.he special set of clothes worn by all members of an organization or a group at work, or by children at school.
8. utility - 实用性,效用
e.g. The utility of this tool is undeniable.
9. utensil - 器具,用具
e.g. We need a spoon and other utensils to make soup.
10. Europe - 欧洲
e.g. He is one of the most wanted criminals inEurope.